Friday, April 27, 2012

Are all charities questioned for alleged partisan politics?

The harper government, as we all know, is stifling dissenters. The harper government has ordered the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to investigate the 'charitable status' of a great many organizations. This is because, “registered charities are allowed to devote only a small fraction of their resources to political activity, although they can never be partisan.1

Bottom line, the harper government will not tolerate any voices that disagree with his ideology. The Suzuki Foundation has recently been reported to the CRA by the harper government tentacle, And where does funding come from?

It is time the right wing charities be investigated as well. 
"All is fair in love and war".

Please add any right wing charity you are aware of. This list can be used for submitting to:  the CRA, media, opposition, tweeting, blogging etc. Include links if you have them. 

Thanks for your help!

Right Wing Charities List:

  1. Fraser Institute  Charities Listings
  2. The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP)  Charities Listings 
  3. Manning Centre – Building Canada's conservative movement  Manning Charitable Listing
  4. Ethical Oil Charities Listings
  5. Frontier Centre for Public Policy 
  6. Montreal Economic Institute
  7. Canadian Centre for Policy Studies – ChristianGovernance   

Additional Information

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