Sunday, April 15, 2012


Unethical . . . corrupt?
“Why has the harper government apparently become the spokeman for one resource at the exclusions of everything else in this country that matters?”

Has Big Oil or worse, infiltrated and corrupted the harper government? Large tracts of the the tarsands have been sold to China. I’m not an expert, but to me, could that not signify a real National Security threat? Even CSIS Director Richard Fadden has expressed concern.

Controversial tarsand breeds horrific wolf cull.
The tarsands have been controversial since the 70’s and remain controversial especially now. Today, along with global pollution, Canadian wildlife is being eradicated. Today, hundreds of Northern Alberta wolves are being poisoned with strychnine because of the industrialization of the tarsands in our northern boreal forest region. 

The reasoning is unscientific and senseless -  
Proponents of the tarsands claim wolves are threatening the caribou herds which is not at all the facts and science. Regardless, strychnine is set out to poison the wolves. The spin off from this is that smaller animals are also being killed by this poison. They either eat it themselves or alternatively, eat animals that have already died from the stychnine. In the near future, thousands more wolves will be killed by aerials shooters. 

Other wildlife affected . . . 
The caribou are being threatened and risk becoming extinct.This is not because of the wolves, but due to the loss of the caribou habitat through the industrialization of the tarsands. Hundreds of bears are also being shot as they wander into oil camps that are failing to contain their garbage. And still more birds are dying from landing on toxic tailings ponds and lakes that result for the bitumen extraction process. 

Does the Alberta Tar Sands Industry Pollute? 
The Scientific Evidence

Cancers and deformities - 
Some of these toxic ponds and lakes are leaching into the Athabasca River, a water resource for many. The toxins are causing cancers in those who source this water for survival. Fort Chipewyan residents have "been suffering for more than ten years from surprisingly high rates of cancer". Animals and fish are being found with deformities that are traced to the toxins. Cancers are rampant and they are cancers that can be traced to oil processes.

The tarsands are a catastrophe nationally and globally! Please watch the video below and take action.

CRY WOLF: An Unethical Oil Story 


Stop the unscientific wolf cull
Credo action: Tell the Canadian government: Stop your tar sands wolf kills! - Over 200,000 voices in opposition to the wolf killings.

DeSmogBlog petition on - Tell Canada's federal Environment Minister Peter Kent, who considers the cull "an accepted if regrettable scientific practice," to put an end to the reckless wolf slaughter.
Alberta Provincial petition - Put some pressure on at the provincial level too, by signing this petition to Frank Oberle, Minister of Alberta's Sustainable Resource Development and Fiona Schmiegelow from the University of Alberta.

NWF Action Center - American residents can go here to send a letter to their senator or representative in order to connect the dots between the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and the wolf cull. Also watch National Wildlife Federation scientist David Mizejewski on the Today Show and read NWF's report on the plan to poison wolves to protect tar sands interests.

For more information on the tar sands, check out DeSmogBlog's tar sands action page.

And for those who may be unfamiliar with what the 'ethical oil' campaign is, check out our previous coverage of the Sierra Club's John Bennett and Ethical Oil Institute spokesperson Kathryn Marshall on CBC's Power and Politics with Evan Solomon.
Source of 'Take Action': Desmogblog (

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