Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Night with the fishermen - Banco Chinchorro Adventure Travel - YouTube HD

What a place. Right on the water, crocodile under the house, hammock to sleep in, batteries for electricity and an outhouse. Loved it. This is Banco Chinchorro, Mexico!

When the sun went down it was quiet except for the odd fishing boat returning late, amazing they could navigate around in the dark, and the stars up above, it was unforgettable.

We dined on fresh fried fish, slept in the same home that the Discovery Channel crew used a little before our arrival and yes we had the croc outside. No late night swimming, btw there were also sharks cruising around.

music by 01 - Alex Alexandroff - I believe, 01 - Alex Alexandroff - Forever and Alexander Blu 04 - Moderato

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