Sunday, May 26, 2013

March Against Monsanto

The world according to Monsanto - GMO *

Monsanto manufactures weed-killer Roundup. Monsanto also manufactures the genetically-modified soybean seeds that are resistant to Roundup -- approximately 3 times more expensive than regular soybean seeds.

What is most stunning about Monsanto's "terms" of sale of its crop seeds is that Monsanto does not actually "sell" anything. Rather, to purchase crop seeds from Monsanto, farmers must agree to a "Technology Stewardship Agreement," which is more aptly a "limited use license." This means that farmers are not actually purchasing soybean seeds, but rather, merely the right to use Monsanto's "technology" contained in crop seeds in a "limited" manner. According to the Agreement, farmers must pledge to plant the Monsanto seeds in only one growing season, never save any, or give any away. Farmers are obligated to give Monsanto permission to access farmer's internet service provider records, and produce documentation of its compliance with the Agreement "within 7 days" if asked by Monsanto. Finally, if Monsanto has to enforce the terms of the Agreement, the farmer is required pay Monsanto all of its attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses associated for doing so.

Read more:

Yesterday was a worldwide march against Monsanto. This is a collection of videos of the event in Kelowna, BC, Canada! A big thank you to the organizers and the concerned citizens who came out!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

ATTN KELOWNA: Challenge the new face of corporate power‏

The Council of Canadians

I'd like to extend a special invitation to you to join me for a public discussion on "CETA, FIPA, TPP: The New Face of Corporate Power." This event will be part of an eight-city speaking tour in B.C. to build opposition to Canada's corporate trade agenda.

Event details:
Wednesday, May 22
7-9 p.m. 
French Cultural Centre, 702 Bernard Ave, Kelowna (map)
Hosted by the Kelowna Chapter of the Council of Canadians
For more information call: 250-769-1977 or email:

CETA, FIPAs, TPPThe Government of Canada has signed, is negotiating and is hoping to ratify a variety of new corporate rights treaties that promote and lock in the rights of corporations to make a profit while undermining communities' abilities to make decisions in their own interest. Like NAFTA before them, these deals are not about trade. Every new agreement further entrenches a corporate vision of deregulation, resource exploitation and privatization. 

These "next generation" deals include the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) with the European Union, the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations that Canada joined this past December, and countless investor rights pacts, like the one with China, called Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (FIPA / FIPPA).

Opposition to these deals is building. More than 80 municipalities have passed resolutions voicing their concerns or opposition to the CETA negotiations. Nearly 100,000 people signed a petition against the Canada-China FIPA, and the Hupacasath First Nation has launched a constitutional challenge to its ratification. Communities are beginning to organize and educate about the TPP in solidarity with global trade justice movements.

The Council of Canadians is hosting this speaking tour in B.C. to build collective opposition to all of these agreements. In the spirit of the anti-WTO Battle for Seattle and the Quebec City protest against the defeated Free Trade Area of the Americas, we hope to bring our vibrant movements back into the streets to derail Canada's corporate rights agenda and dismantle the treaties that lock it in.
I hope you can join me!

Stuart Trew, Trade Campaigner

The Council of Canadians, 700-207 West Hastings St. Vancouver, BC, V6B 1H7
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