Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2011 OUR KIDS HAVE TALENT FINALISTS!!!! They need your votes!!

(Sponsored by KissFM 107.5, Century 21, Wentworth Music, RAREARTH Music Festival and JCVdude)

It's been finalized and it never happened before - We have the TOP TWELVE!!!

'OUR KIDS HAVE TALENT' is originated by Kath Raeber of Kath and the TomKats. It's an incredible music competition inviting musicians 8-18 years of age to compete for prizes totaling more than $5000!

The auditions were this past weekend (Feb 26, 27, 2011) and the Finalists were chosen! Let the contest begin!

The Finalists now need to work at marketing themselves. A part of this involves getting people to view their audition video and vote! On March 12, 2011, the Gala Event of the Top 12 Performances is where the winners will be announced. You can also check out the 
OUR KIDS HAVE TALENT page on Facebook for more information and photos!

Here are the contestants. Please watch and vote! 
There's some amazing talent!!
(To vote, you must watch to video on YouTube. Hover your mouse over the Gray YouTube Logo at the right bottom of the player & Click. You see 'watch on YouTube'. Once in YouTube, click the thumbs up to vote!)

Have fun and VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!

Playlist of all 12 Finalist Musicians. To view individual videos, scroll down. 

Beamer Wigley
Brandon Schmor
Gallons Corner 
Alexander Khazen 
Megan Abel
Tyler and Ryan Wieb
Nikita Afonso
Abby Gregori
Jake & Jesse Hubner 
Elise Wilson
Vincent Li 
Sean Riquelme     

Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(14th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)