Monday, May 31, 2010

Did you know that Honey Bees are responsible for one out of every three bites of food every American takes?

Honey Bees!
We need to protect and work at conservation of these little creatures that are so important to our earth. Did you know that Honey bees are responsible for one out of every three bites of food every American takes?

Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(17th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rita Chiarelli - two timers Tiger Woods , Jesse James listen up! 'Serves You Right'

Rita Chiarelli ~ dubbed the Canadian Goddess of the Blues!


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(17th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Friday, May 28, 2010


Dear Mr. Steven Harper. Nature looked after itself long before you became Prime Minister. I wonder if you would take your children out to witness what you have mandated? Shame on you. 


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(17th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Samana a Place of Beauty - Dominican Republic

I could have stayed here forever and ever and ever . . . I walked for miles along the beaches . . . encountered 1 local on his donkey with coconut baskets strapped on and then just the sound of the birds and waves. It just doesn't get any better! *sigh*


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(17th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Heart & Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon Proudly Present an Indian Summer Fundraiser

Poppadoms Restaurant
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon
Proudly Present an Indian Summer Fundraiser

Poppadoms Restaurant, McCurdy Corner, Kelowna, B.C.
Wednesday June 2nd, 2010 - doors 6:15pm, start 6:45pm
Dress Code:
Smart, Bollywood Chic
$75.00 per person
Contact Info:
Aman Dosanj – 778 753 5563,
Suzanne Pugh, 250 860 6275,

The Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. and Yukon and PoppadomsIndian Restaurant have joined forces in the fight against heart disease and stroke.

Poppadoms invite you to taste India and is hosting an evening of fine dining and entertainment to help raise awareness and critical life saving funds.

Restaurant owner, Surjit Dosanj a heart attack and stroke survivor and his daughter Aman Dosanj, will be hosting this special event on Wednesday June 2nd, 2010 and all staff time is graciously donating to this cause.

Working to the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s heart smart guidelines, and in keeping with traditional tastes of India, a unique four course meal has been created by the Dosanj family. Staying true to Poppadoms values, Chef will use only the finest of ingredients and spices.

Ticket price includes a complimentary glass of wine courtesy of Desert Hills Estate Winery, live entertainment and silent auction. Proceeds will fund critical life saving research to find answers for life.

Heart disease and stroke remain the leading cause of death for Canadian men and women. The Heart and Stroke Foundation, a volunteer-based health charity, leads in eliminating heart disease and stroke and reducing their impact through the advancement of research and its application, and the promotion of healthy living and advocacy.

Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(18th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Macro of Hundreds of Caterpillars ~ Tenting & eating!


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(18th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Friday, May 14, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wild Mexico - Yucatan Cenote Life - Jump in!


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(18th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

MEXICO - A quick tour!

Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(18th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Great Buddy Guy! LIVE!!!


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(18th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Saona Island. Truly a Paradise!


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(18th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Beautiful but Deadly Jellyfish - Vancouver Aquarium [HD]


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(18th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Sony 1080i HD close-ups & Macros - Nature Unleashed -


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(18th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Monday, May 10, 2010


 . . . THEY WANT YOU!!! 

Three years ago, Joe & I met three young women roller skating with trays of goodies! OMGOSH!!! 

They were mean & determined! They had a vision of a team, here in the Okanagan ~ devoted to MAYHEM!!! Now, just 8 months later, they have 50 members & attitude big time!!! 

Introducing ~ the 'RAGGEDY ROLLERS'!!!! 


Come and watch, you'll be hooked!!!!


More Info:  

Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(18th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Sony 1080i HD close-ups & Macros - Nature Unleashed

All the video was shot with a single chip Sony consumer handy-cam, the quality of the images is remarkable.


Music:  'Lost Souls' by Ensam

Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(19th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Caribbean WOW!!! - Just chill'n

Watch a pelican drift on a warm breeze just above the the pounding waves, golden sunsets and sunrises shimmering as water meets the sand, a bamboo raft drifting on a clear Jamaican river, there are many possibilities for relaxing and just chill-in in the Caribbean. Troubles - be gone..........

Music: 'The Gulf' by aleksrutko


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(19th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Friday, May 7, 2010

Selinksi Project ~ Original Track

Download now or listen on posterous
Selinski Project.mp3 (6253 KB)

Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(19th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Earth is definitely NOT A LONELY PLANET, I shot  this video in late April 2010 and all the sounds were recorded at the time of shooting. There is the sound of birds, many of them migratory which have recently arrived for nesting, the sound of kids and parents along with the constant noise of city life. Definitely not lonely.  

But we are on the way to making our planet not only lonely but very quiet with the constant and accelerated destruction of habitat and species. The oil spill in the gulf is just the latest but by no means the only act of destruction that we are thrusting on the planet. In Central America there are Canadian companies mining for gold, but before they could access the gold the local residents had to be forcibly evicted. Some were killed by the Military. Mining today is not about a small hole in the ground. The entire mountain is laid waste and the inherent pollution is harming the people living in the area. Coal mining in the USA accomplishes the same results and in Alberta it's the Tar Sands.

We slaughter seals in Canada for the fashion industry, but Europe has barred the importation of seal products so the Canadian Government (not representing the majority view) will take the European Union too court. In Alaska they shoot wolves from airplanes so hunters will have more trophy game like moose and caribou to kill.  Japan slaughters dolphins in the Cove by the tens of thousands, kills whales for research and in the open seas sharks are being killed to extinction for their fins. In Africa bush meat or wild game is not only hard to find due to poaching but most of the animals have parasites harmful to the people who eat them.

Its a nasty little world we have created in the name of progress, and this is just the tip of the iceberg which we also won't have for long due to global warming.


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(19th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous

Monday, May 3, 2010

Canadian Tea Party Needed

Vancouver British Columbia has the distinction of having the highest real estate prices in Canada with the average house now more than 1 million dollars. Recently the news played a game of is the house price real by showing dilapidated homes, some former drug houses and asking if the price is real.

The recent 2010 Winter games are said by Vancouver Mayor to be responsible for 60 million dollars in investment, not bad for a less than 3 week sporting event that is now mostly forgotten and cost more than 4 billion dollars. By comparison the Taiwan Expo will run for 6 month, is expected to attract 75 million people and also has an expected cost of 4 billion. The Winter Games were a huge waste of taxpayers dollars as this year already, the focus is on Taiwan Expo and the FIFA Cup in South Africa.

Further compounding Vancouver and British Columbia recovery and economic growth is the high Canadian dollar which has lead to hours of delays at the Canada/US border as Canadians head across the line for shopping bargains in everything from automobiles to groceries. Now the Liberal Government of Gordon Campbell has introduced the hated HST (harmonized sales tax) even though 70 -80% of British Columbians disapprove of this tax grab.  Showing complete contempt for the taxpayers and citizens the government is now collecting taxes on goods even though the act won't become law until July 1. There is a petition drive going on and even with the petition opposition of the constituents the government will enact the legislation.

No government would dare to so blatantly screw over the citizens of the USA, they would face the wrath of the voters. Perhaps it's time for a Canadian Tea Party and put all Liberal MLAs on notice that your days are numbered.


Joe Vass
Freelance Videographer/Citizen Journalist
( No.1 Most Viewed Video in Canada)
(19th Most Viewed All Time in Canada)

Posted via email from JCVdude's posterous